Installing this Language-Pack will change the Language that SSP is displayed in to German.
▶Please note that this Language-Pack will NOT change the language of individual Ghosts.◀
How to install
To install, simply drag and drop the NAR file onto a Ghost that you have currently open and it will install the Language-Pack for you. You will notice that the installation was successful, when the option "Deutsch" appears under the language tab in the right-click menu. Click on that to change the language to German.
How to update
After a successful installation you can update the Language-Pack by opening the SSP-Explorer, which you can open in the right-click-menu under Funktionen/Utilities or by pressing Ctrl+E when you have one of your Ghosts highlighted, then going to Typ/Type->Sprache/Language, right-clicking the Language-Pack and selecting Netzwerk-Update/Network Update.
It is probably best to try to update the Language-Pack immediately after every SSP Update and again a few days after that since the Language-Pack does not update at the same time SSP does.
If you want to know more precicely when to update the Language-Pack, you can open it up in its folder via the Explorer and check the version number of the resource.dll file in Properties->Details. Compare it to its English counterpart and if the numbers don't match you can start looking out for an update.
If anything goes wrong, be it during the initial installation process or during updating, or you find any mistakes in the Language-Pack, please contact me on one of my social-medias (links below) or write an email to
Usage Tips
Turn off Menu-Text-Override
Sometimes Ghosts will override text in the right-click-menu with their own, which will also override the translation.
If you still want to see the translated text, you can check the "Ghost-definierten Menü-Text ignorieren"/"Ignore Ghost-defined Menu Strings" checkbox in the Ghost(1) settings in Einstellungen/Preferences.
This will disable the Ghosts ability to override the text in the right-click-menu.